The Call
Over these last few months, the Lord has been working on my heart about a new season, spiritually speaking. Prior to this call, I had been in my word more consistently and had been more proactive about asking the Lord what He wanted to do inside my heart. I wish I could say that when He laid, “pursue holiness,” on my heart, that I felt excited and uplifted. Instead I quickly felt discouraged and even scared, as though I had somehow been secretly disappointing the Lord for who even knows how long… I asked the Lord what He meant, confused about what part(s) of my lifestyle were not up to the Christian standards that most everyone knows to live by.
In response to these feelings, I reached out to a couple of spiritually wise women in my life, and they each gave me a piece of advice that changed my outlook on the situation:
- If God is calling you to pursue holiness, just remember that He is trying to pull you in, not push you away.
- Do not try to define pursuing holiness in your own terms. If He is making the call, He knows what He wants to change. Look to His word and to His wisdom.
I was left with two new truths after these words were given to me:
- I do not have to leave God’s presence, clean myself up, and come back once I have gotten myself “put back together.” That burden is not for me to carry but one to submit to the feet of Jesus.
- I cannot rely on my own understanding of holiness or my own culture’s definition of holiness to inform me about how to live.
Just as quickly as the enemy brought on fear, shame, confusion, and doubt, the Lord provided women of wisdom in my life to speak truth, clarity, and peace into my mindset. The enemy’s goal was to shut me down and make “obtaining” this goal seem utterly impossible. However, I asked the Lord to give me the strength to pursue His word and keep my heart open to what He desired to do. Within a matter of days, I was reading scripture that gave me a foundation of truth and wisdom to stand on, opening my eyes to see that God would be faithful to make the transformation in my heart.
The Word
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
Romans 12:1-2 CSB
This passage in Romans opened my eyes to that fact that pursuing holiness is not about creating a checklist of different “good behaviors.” Pursuing holiness is about understanding that our bodies, our lives, are a continual sacrifice to God. In order to know what pleases God, we must be men and women of the word, constantly having our minds renewed and fighting against the simpler desire to conform to what everyone else is doing in this day and age.
“Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober-minded and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. But as the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”
1 Peter 1:13-16 CSB
This passage in 1 Peter echoed what I read in Romans just a few weeks prior. Pursuing holiness goes hand in hand with being transformed from older, ignorant ways of living. Just to be clear, to be ignorant means to lack information or awareness… that word is not used as an insult here. God is calling us to holiness because He IS holy, and He desires for His people to resemble that in their own lives. We are not called to resemble our cultural or our own biases/beliefs because our culture and our biases are prone to getting watered down if we are not pursuing the wisdom of the word.
I am sharing this, not because I have it all together or all figured out. I am not an expert, and I still have so much that God is working on me about each and every day. However, I have been convicted about my boundary lines for what is acceptable and unacceptable in my lifestyle. This is not because I was diving into the deep darkness of sin, but I was not actively pursuing what God’s definition of holiness was either.
I made it a point to ask the Lord to define what needed to go, what I needed more of, and everything in-between.
Making changes related to music, tv shows, time spent watching Facebook videos, forgiveness, reading my Word, serving my husband, being more intentional with relationships, and more started to occur. I would listen to a song or spend my down time on social media detoxing from my day, and the Lord began to challenge my desire to sow my time into those things rather than sew my time into His kingdom. A shift began to happen in my perspective, and I realized that although the things I were doing were not “necessarily downright sinful,” they were becoming idols, things that were obtaining more of my attention and my heart than the Lord was. I began to see that those seemingly harmless things started to become barriers between me and God, between who I was and who God was calling me to be.
Now, I am not by any means trying to enforce my personal convictions on anyone. My personal convictions lately are convictions that God brought forth, into the light, for me to see, evaluate, and change. I do believe that we should all share convictions that come straight from the word, but this blog is not designed to highlight those convictions.
The Bigger Picture
What I have hoped to communicate through this blog is that I am on a journey that will not be figured out over night. I almost let this journey/process keep me from sharing because I get wrapped up in the lie that I cannot be effective and helpful until I have perfected something. Instead, God reminded me that there is beauty in the process of refinement and that my lifelong process of refinement will never end. All my life, I will be presented with choices. The Lord is helping me to be more sensitive to His Holy Spirit and to His word so that I can make choices with a renewed mind, knowing that I am to offer my body as a living sacrifice. God is showing me that when I am more intentional about creating room for His kingdom, that there is less room for the things that do not really matter.
Pursuing holiness is not about the artificial Christian badge that we get to wear on the outside. Pursuing holiness is not about removing every ounce of fun out of our lives. Pursuing holiness is not about living in guilt and shame after being buried underneath an impossible task. On the other hand, pursuing holiness is about living a lifestyle that is not conformed to this world, making ourselves more aware and less ignorant of the time wasters that we give our lives to, and knowing that our bodies are meant to be living sacrifices to a holy and merciful God.
I would love to share more about my personal journey… challenge… call to change… refinement… whatever you want to call it. For now, I want to leave you with a few questions:
Based on the scripture passages shared above, what does it mean for you to pursue holiness?
- What emotions do you feel?
- What things are slowly becoming idols to you?
- Do you trust God enough to follow Him even if He asks you to cut out the most innocent things in your life?
I feel like I need to emphasize again that I am no expert. This is a journey that God is taking me on right here, right now. Every day, I feel as though I am receiving more correction and instruction. The enemy tried to convince me that this would break me and make me feel like a “worse Christian.” Instead I have felt more joy, more freedom, and more of God’s LOVE for me in this process than I could have ever imagined! If God is asking you to put something down or to remove it from your lifestyle, it is because He desires to fill it with something more fulfilling to you and pleasing to Him. Do not fear change. Do not fear instruction. It is for your benefit and for His glory.